Kindergarten Registration will take place on Thursday, March 20 and Friday, March 21. Parents of children who reside in the towns of Corinth and Topsham who will be five-years-old on or before August 31, 2025, should call the school and speak with Lisa Thompson at 439-5534 to be placed on the list to register their child for Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year.
Waits River Valley School is excited to welcome Sweethearts & Heroes on Tuesday, January 14th and Wednesday, January 15th. They will be here talking and working with scholars and educators about activating compassion, empathy and HOPE in their classrooms, and beyond. Parents/guardians are invited to the grade level assemblies, which you can find more information about here. You can also visit their website to find out more information: https://www.sweetheartsandheroes.com .