Bus Routes
Rules for Transportation of Students
Bus Rules
- Students will follow the directions of the bus driver. This includes substitute drivers.
- Students will remain seated while the bus is in motion.
- Students will ride in assigned seats.
- Students will ride their prescribed bus route unless prior written notice is provided to the school office.
- Eating, drinking, and chewing gum will not be permitted on the bus.
- No electronics visible or in use.
- Students are expected to conduct themselves in a proper manner while waiting at bus stops, as well as while riding the bus. Yelling, loud talk, and abusive language will not be per mitted. Our motto is “A quiet bus is a safe bus.”
- Students will behave in an orderly manner for pick-up and discharge. Reminder: Students should be at their bus stop five to ten minutes before their scheduled pick up.
- Students will not put any objects out the bus windows (including arms, legs, and feet) and carry-on items must be kept out of the aisles.
- Each student will notify the bus driver of an injury sustained while on the bus route.
- Any student who repeatedly breaks the bus rules may be denied the privilege to ride.
- The school bus operator shall not transport any animals, firearms, explosives, or anything of a dangerous nature.
Bus Stop Procedure
- Students in grades K-2 need to have a parent, a parent designee, or an older sibling in the 5th grade or above meet them at the bus stop. Otherwise, the student will be returned to school.
Bus Cameras
Video/Audio cameras are mounted on the front of each bus to monitor student behavior. Due to confidentiality issues, only authorized school and bus company personnel may view these videotapes. The following procedure shall be used regarding these cameras:
- All footage will be considered confidential and is to be viewed as needed by the administration to serve as an aid in determining inappropriate behavior.
- Tapes not necessary for ensuring appropriate discipline will be recycled within ten (10) days.
- The driver is responsible for maintaining control of the bus and will continue to intervene any time a student’s behavior threatens his or her safety and/or the safety of other students.
School Closings and Delays
When weather impacts driving there may be delays or closures for our school. The process to make the decision for a delay or closure is as follows:
- WRVS communicates with the town road commissioners about the state of the roads and the time it will take to make the roads safe. Roads may be considered passable but not necessarily safe for bus travel.
- WRVS advises our superintendent on the safety of the roads for bus travel.
- The superintendent makes the decision to delay or close and sends out a communication to all staff and families. Communication will be through phone, text and email; dependent on what information families provided our school office. Information is also sent to WCAX, and can be found online.
A few things to consider:
There can be a real difference in conditions between main roads and back roads, and even between back roads depending on elevation, air temperature, and previous road traffic.
If there's a delay at WRVS, students cannot be dropped off at school early, even if your road is safe to drive on. There are no available staff on duty to supervise children.